Why Wives Continually Interrupt Their Husbands
- What makes wives dominate husbands?
- Sure signs of women who dominate their husbands
- Woman dominates: what should a man do?
Most men sincerely want to be the head of the family, ensure the well-being of their loved ones, and become a reliable support for beloved women. However, there are ladies who seemingly want to live next to a strong man but completely suppress their attempts to show masculinity. These women assume dominating role in the family and simply do not allow their husbands to feel like real men. But why do ladies try to boss around their husbands? What are the signs of commanding women? And how to deal with wives who dominate their husbands? Let's go into the matter!
What makes wives dominate husbands?
Most typically, women try to take the lead in a couple because they were raised in a family where the mother had a dominant role. This is about the culture of matriarchy or pseudo-patriarchy when the leading role belongs to the woman, and the man has only pseudo-roles, but in fact, does not really make any decisions there.
According to experts, women may also try to dominate their husbands because they are actually afraid of men and distrust in them sometimes without even having any reason to do so. It's all about the feeling of insecurity. Dominant women believe that "if I am in control, I am safe." Sooner or later, such a craving for control leads to the fact that a lady begins to dominate her beloved. It is quite easy to behave so with a man in love in the early stages of a romantic relationship because the very rite of male courtship for a girl implies that a man obeys the desires and even whims of a lady he likes. But if a woman tries to dominate a man when they are already married, the man never remains indifferent to this. If the center of power is concentrated in the hands of a woman and, at the same time, she loses all esteem for her beloved man, this can be considered a pathology of the couple. In this case, a functional, compromise, and mutually safe union of two loving people turns into a smothering relationship with one accent of power. Most representatives of the stronger sex break up such relations and have the itch to find loyal wives.
In addition, it can be assumed that a wife began to control her husband because she experienced some kind of intense emotional stress, which turned into constant anxiety. It is difficult for her to cope with inner turmoil, so she drags the beloved husband into her rueful feelings, gradually increasing control over his behavior, actions, and responsibilities. In this case, the man should observe what exactly has changed in his wife's behavior and how the domination is manifested. It may turn out that her control is really excessive and cannot be considered an adequate response to the situations in which it manifests itself. If this occurs, the woman needs help in emotional self-regulation. The best way to support your loved one is to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Lend her a sympathetic ear, try to find out what caused anxiety to your loved one, and think about how to solve this problem.
It is also believed that female domination was caused by the Second World War, after which the number of men decreased, and many women had to take on the male role. After some time, there was a generation of boys and girls raised by women who were accustomed to the dominant role of a wife in the family (their mothers were heads of the household). They simply have never seen any other model of behavior between a man and a woman in love. Thus, the conviction in the normality of the dominant role of women in a family has been transferred from generation to generation.
Have you ever dealt with a wife dominating husbands? Can a relationship with a dominant woman work at all? Relationships with wives who dominate their husbands make both men and women unhappy. Women suffer because they lack a "strong shoulder", sicken of controlling everything all the time, and want to feel like a lady. Hence there are so popular female complaints that true men no longer exist. And guys are unhappy because they do not feel like men and cannot fulfill their main purposes – to win, capture, explore, develop, achieve, and dominate. In fact, they are used to obeying a woman and do not know how to be masculine, despite the fact that they really need this deep down.
In such a relationship, each spouse unconsciously expects the other to fulfill their natural role. A husband wants to feel like a true man, become the head of the family, and have a loyal wife. And a woman wants to take off her duties and feel the care and attention of her masculine soul mate. But the problem is that not one of them is ready to take on this role because of the upbringing and behavior patterns acquired in childhood. Well, these people simply do not know how to live in a different manner. So, it turns out that both men and women in such relationships constantly accuse each other of being unhappy but do not want to notice the reason in themselves.
In a healthy relationship, partners assume equal roles, know how to combine leadership and compliance, and do not seek to suppress each other. Such a relationship brings satisfaction and joy to both lovers.
Sure signs of women who dominate their husbands
You can recognize a dominant woman by the following psychological characteristics:
- insulting a beloved man, showing disrespect for him;
- lack of interest in the personality of a partner;
- ignoring the interests and needs of a man;
- comparing a partner to more successful people;
suppression of a man's initiative;
- frequent manifestations of arrogance and indifference.
Woman dominates: what should a man do?
When the signs of a wife dominating husband are obvious, the solution may be:
- parting with an explanation of the reasons for your decision;
- acceptance of a woman in a leading role, if this does not affect your self-esteem;
- a joint visit to a psychologist to develop a further strategy of behavior;
- discussion of relationships with a woman, an attempt to explain that her behavior is insulting for you and detrimental to your relationship.
You should make decisions concerning your relationship with a cool head because it is not always obvious which solution will be the best for you. The prospect of further development of relationships is often unpredictable, but if you really love each other, any attempts to preserve your relationship are always worthwhile.
Source: https://sweetydate.com/blog/why-wives-always-try-to-dominate-their-husbands-58
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